Book Reviews

Sandstorm by T.W. Piperbrook

My edition: Kindle owned
Pages: 208
Series: Sandstorm #1
Genre: Sci-fi, Fantasy, Dystopian
Published: June 2, 2018
Rating: 2 stars


Something is hunting the inhabitants of Ravar…

For three generations, the colonists on Ravar have been stranded on a harsh planet, forced to survive in a desert environment where only the scrappiest animals and the heartiest plants survive. Most live without the foolish hope that Earth’s supply ships will ever grace the skies again.

Trapped in a sandstorm, Neena Xylance struggles to make her way back to her colony. What she doesn’t know is that she isn’t alone, and what she finds might destroy the last of the fragile life on her planet. 


Most speculated Earth was dead.

This takes place on Ravar. Ravar used to be a mining colony but it’s been years since the last supply ship from Earth has been seen. No one mines anymore. Neena is a native of Ravar. She was out hunting for food when the sandstorm hit with no warning.

Throughout the book, we get to see different sides of the sandstorm. Neena is stuck out in the desert, Gideon is in a bunker with the Heads of the Colony, Raj (Neena’s younger brother) is at home with the little brother and Darius is in his workshop.

Neena, I think is the only view I didn’t skim through. I was not interested in the other views. I think that they took away from Neena and what was going on with her. I didn’t care about what the other characters were doing. I didn’t feel as if they helped the story move along.

Will not be moving on to the next one. This did end on a cliffhanger but not one that made me want to know what’s going on.

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